Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Snowy Down Days

View from Mama's bedroom window. 
Today was a total down day.  It was snowy and I really didn't want to get out of bed, so I didn't.  Well I got out of bed to make dinner and clean up the kitchen. 

The children did a little school and then played outside in the snow.  Thomas and I napped! 

Dinner was late (a norm in the de Niall household) but amazing.  I tried my hand at red curry chicken for the first time.  Everyone enjoyed it but it was a bit spicy for some.  I didn't even notice the spice, I love spicy food. 

After dinner I started to get cramping.  I know cramping is normal during pregnancy but every time I feel something that could lead to the loss of my baby I get worried. 

It is not a fear that I let go out of control.  I must say that in the end I know God is in control.  I can not let the cramping take over my life.  Understand me when I say I will not let it take over my life.  I am not saying that my feelings are not real or that I shouldn't have these feelings.  I believe that all feelings are legitimate after a loss.  All worries are okay.  If you have these feelings of worry and concern and they don't go away it is okay.  I am a women of faith and I trust in the Lord.  This is what keeps me going. 

Another thing that keeps me going these days are down days.  I never used to like or even want down days.  Having me children hang out with me lounging is a comfort to me.  Snowy days lead to lounging.  I don't know how  many more of these days we will have but I am going to take what we get. 

Lord I have no control over this pregnancy. my feelings or my worries.  I only have control over my trust in you, continue to help me.  My baby Saint Peter I ask that you intercede on my behalf, for daddy and for your siblings.  Ask our Lord to help us all to be joyful during the next 6 months and except His will.  We love you and you are a comfort to your Mama. 

I am not sure how many more snow days we are going to have here in New England but I am looking forward to a few more.  I may be the only person who gets excited to be forced to stay home and just be but as far as I'm concerned....LET IT SNOW. 

Let it snow a few more times.  :)

1 comment:

  1. the fears are very normal. I had spotting with all three pregnancies that made it to term. I had lost one pregnancy at about 6 weeks, so I was worried of course! I had a few extra visits during my last pregnancy to calm my fears!
    It is okay to worry - as long as you don't let the worry take over. Always go with your gut, and don't be afraid to seek out your provider (doctor or midwife) to get reassuraed that all is well.
