Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Working Out

Snowshoeing at St. Benedict Abbey. 
I am trying to get healthy and I often forget eating is only one piece of the puzzle. 
The second piece of the puzzle is working out.  I need to just start moving.  Moving can be such a challenge especially in the winter.  Moving for a diabetic and someone with PCOS is totally medicine!  As one good friend said it best, exercise is insulin.
The beauty one can experience while exercising!
I need to take this insulin (exercise) daily!  I know from past experience that this insulin (exercise) is a very effective natural substitute. 
I find excuses all over creation not to exercise.  I am a busy homeschooling mom is the excuse I use most.  And while this excuse is true and it is hard to find time to exercise it is important.  When it is as important to your health as it is to my health you/I need to MAKE TIME to do it! 
This week I started to workout.  I started really slow at 9 - 12 minutes of Zumba and 6 - 10 minutes of stretching exercises.  This Saturday I even went out into the snow and spent about an hour snowshoeing. 
Exercise with good friends, that's a great way to get out!
I will continue to exercise because it is beneficial to my health.  I will continue to exercise because it will help decrease my blood sugars.  Lord help me to make exercise an important part of my life.  Help me to take exercise seriously. 

Fun while exercising!  Turkey tracks. 

Why am I talking about exercise?  Exercise is going to be a huge part of this pregnancy journey!  Please pray I stay strong and continue to exercise. 

I will be praying for you.  God Bless!


  1. Go, Adrianne, go! I began exercising when baby #4 was four months old. My husband and I did the couch-to-5K, which starts out at three workouts per week, only 20 minutes in length, alternating walking with jogging for a few seconds. And that just about killed me. (And I wasn't pregnant!) Slowly, slowly, slowly in the subsequent nine months, I've gotten to where I'm working out aerobically daily for 45 minutes, and I'm only stopping because I only have so many minutes in the day. I, too, am doing this for health reasons (lowering blood pressure) for pregnancy. It's so important. We can do it, you and I! It's like medicine, take some every day! :D

    1. It is hard but worth it. I need to work out more than 3 days a week but I am working up to more. I'll cheer you too. Thanks!!

  2. I hope I can join the two of you on that retreat in another year :)

    1. I so hope you can come next year too. You will get to hold your godbaby tons!!
