Thursday, April 3, 2014

Begin Again and Be Positive

This has been a low week.  There is no real reason.  The children have been sick since Monday but that is part of life as a mom.  I have spent most days in bed and the house is falling apart around me.  What am I doing? 

I am not being positive.  I am not living life.  I am not being a good mom.  I am not going to beat myself up and I am going to pick myself up.  I am going to begin again tomorrow. 

I will set my alarm., do my prayer and go to the gym.  I am going to live my life.  Life is hard.  God never said He would make it easy for me.  Suffering is a part of our journey to heaven.  Part of my journey to meet Him one day. 

What do you need to do to pick yourself up and begin again. 

Please continue to pray for our family as we pray for your family.  God Bless. 

P.S.  This as nothing to do with the Taylor Swift song with I have never even heard and just ran into when looking for a photo but should be accredited to my spiritual director who is always telling me to begin again.